GI Cancers Alliance (GICA)

The GI Cancers Alliance was founded in 2015 by The Ruesch Center as a way to bring together the various GI cancer advocacy groups. The alliances’ mission is to work together as a single voice to bring awareness and education to the public on GI Cancers.
Each advocacy group maintains their personal mission, but also works with the alliance on a broader scale.
Gastrointestinal cancers are the most common form of cancer in the United States. The development of new treatments has lagged due to lack of funding.
The GI Cancers Alliance hopes to change this.
The Alliance will work to raise awareness, provide education and advocate to prevent, treat and cure gastrointestinal cancers.
A stronger, more unified voice to fight gastrointestinal cancers, which collectively make up the most common and deadliest type of cancers. The patient voice is central in addressing unmet needs in screening, awareness and treatment.
The GI Cancers Alliance works to raise awareness, provide education and advocate to prevent, treat and cure gastrointestinal cancers through a collaboration between advocacy groups, industry and institutional partners.
The Alliance members currently include 33 advocacy groups, 2 academic institutions and 9 sponsor groups.
The Alliance is working to raise awareness, educate and advocate to prevent treat and cure GI cancer.